Four centuries of passion for viticulture.
Bottega has a history of four centuries in the world of wine and grappa. Since the 17th century, when our ancestors cultivated the vine as tenant farmers, up to now, with Bottega grappa and liquors being appreciated all over the world.

Bottega wines and liqueurs have won more than 450 awards and accolades, and can be found in more than 160 countries around the world, in major duty free shops and airlines. As of 2022, Bottega Gold is the top-selling sparkling wine in travel retail according to IWSR rankings.

New Bottega Whisky Distillery goes into operation and new Liquor Factory opens in Brugnera.

Bottega opens a new winery in Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI), in the heart of Chianti Classico.

Bottega managed its own the estate of Pian Delle Vigne, an historical wineyard near Montalcino (Siena in Tuscany).

Bottega inaugurated the new wine cellar in Valgatara di Marano (Verona), sited in the hearth of the “Classica” Valpolicella area.

On 25th January 2014 Bottega opened its first Prosecco bar, on a Viking Line ship in Scandinavia.

Distilleria Bottega moves to Bibano di Godega di Sant’Urbano, 50 km from Venice, near Conegliano Veneto. The premises is located in a big 17th-century farmhouse among 10 hectares of vineyards, renovated according to state-of-the-art environmental criteria.

In the sign of family tradition, Il Vino dei Poeti Prosecco Spumante is created. The winery is added to the distillery, bringing the company into the wine market.

Bottega brand is now joined by Alexander brand. The first blown glass bottles are produced and Distilleria Bottega starts exploring outside Italy.

After the founder’s death, his son Sandro became the company director, with the support of his sister Barbara and brother Stefano. In a few years Distilleria Bottega started to get known thanks to an innovative distillation system and to the reduction of alcohol content in grappa, which made it softer and more delicate.

In 1977 Aldo Bottega, together with his wife Rosina, founded Distilleria Bottega in Pianzano di Godega (province of Treviso).

50’s and 60’s
Expanding his father’s passion to grappa, Aldo Bottega developed creative technical innovations, like the first monovariety grappa. His inner entrepreneurial spirit lead him to establish his own distillery.

Anni ‘20
Domenico Bottega was a wine trader. Passionate oenologist, he could easily identify the best grapes in the vineyard.

Bottega “forefather”, Andrea, in 1635 cultivated the vine in one of the world’s most beautiful places: the hills near Molinetto della Croda in Refrontolo. Bottega were originally tenant farmers for a local noble family; when they managed to gain their freedom, they started farming their own lands.